Health studies have proven the benefit of an air cleaner in improving the air quality. Don't you think it makes sense to spend a bit of money to improve your health?
And one more thing you may not think of when improving your health is the air quality of your home. The quality of air in your home may be far worse than the air outside your home, and there are many reasons for this.
When you are sick, it can be extremely difficult to breathe. The indoor air may feel dry and hot and cause havoc while trying to sleep. The outdoor air can often contain fumes from cleaning products, carpeting, furniture and creating a noticeably damp sensation when you walk outside.
What is a Health Problem?
The actual medical definition (to be specific) is shortened versions of several common problems like cough, headache, stuffy nose, congestion, tiredness, muscle aches, and rales.
There are many reasons for the quality of air in homes.
For example, the air inside your home could be between 35-45 % with airborne particles like dust, mold and mildew, and various other pollutants.
The outside air could been loaded with pollution from traffic and industry in the form of contrails and various emitted fumes.
The definition does not include what is inhaled which is a serious health issue. In fact, it is inhaled toxins that your body needs to function normally.
Depending on the level of pollution in the home, it can spark respiratory problems like congestion, wheezing and coughing, respiratory diseases like asthma, and illnesses from long-term exposure.
Unfortunately, often the best intentions are not enough to remedy the underlying air quality problem.
And unfortunately, the solution may not be obvious.
With the right home air purifier, the quality of air inside your home improves significantly.
All-Natural Technology solves Problems
The technology is a combination of selective filtration, ionization by-products, and microiltration that are used to improve air quality.
The best of all, the all-natural essential oil diffuser creates a positive ions ( ozone) in the air. This particles attract ions ( ozone) which are electro-magnetic in nature, negatively charged.
When there are positive ions, there is also a positive charge. This is known as acousticElectric pollution.
The ionized particles are then charged by the air current. The current can affect the particle size.
The particles go through the filters (the semi-penetrating filters in the Air Qualityifier-H20 is called the HEPA® HEPA® 100%, HEPA® PCO with Triple Certification, or HealthSense packets that the world's top killers can use as protection from eroding molecules, particles, and gases, and other health hazards.
The result is cleaner air that is more easily and accurately inhaled, making it easier to breathe and a lot more convenient for daily living.
A benefit to all-natural home air cleaners
The Filter-Free Air Qualityizer Professional is made to help you improve the air quality and environment in your home, office, and automobile. It's the only air purifier that can effectively remove airborne airborne microscopic particles, odors, and gases without cutting back on the life quality and enjoyment of being in your home.
Remove Reliable Best and Usually Reliable Emission-Canceling-Chemicals.
Truly unw clowns! That's what they'll sound like when your children and family members begin complaining about something as trivial as a dust particle. It's actually, "Are we crazy?" It has to be!"
When this is your interior air quality that you're concerned about, remember we only have one home to live.
Now you can see why I'm excited to share our product!